Gurupeyarchi :குருபெயர்ச்சி -
The actual time and date of Guru Peyarchi 15 th Dec 2009; 2.59am Malaysia Time.
Special Pooja at 6.00pm - 8.00 pm
Advised to do special Thosam Poojai for below Rasi : Rishbam, Kadakam, Kanni and Kumbam
Kartigai Deepam
ON THE full moon day of the month of Kartigai (November-December) which falls on the ascension of the Kritigai star, the Hindus celebrate the Kartigai DeepamSpace cleansing using onion
Chop one onion into quarters and place one piece in each corner of a room. Don’t peel the onion and allow the onion to remain in the place overnight.
Bury them outside your house the following day and repeat the process for a total of five consecutive nights to attract fresh energies into your space.