Thursday, January 29, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Solar Eclipse on 26th January 2009

Solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves between the Sun and the Earth, and casting a shadow on the Earth. The figure (top right) illustrates such an instance, similar to the one that will occur on the 26th of January 2009. Once every month the Moon's orbit around the Earth takes it to a location between the Earth and Sun (when this happens we observe what is called new moon). The orbit of the Moon is slightly inclined with respect to the Earth's orbit however, leading to its shadow missing the Earth on most of these occasions.
On the occasions where it does happen either a partial, total or annular eclipse will be seen depending on the the location of the observer as well as the relative distance of the moon from Earth. The figure (bottom right) illustrates each of these possibilities.
Impact of the Solar Eclipse
The solar eclipse takes place in the month of Pausha on 26th January 2009. The solar eclipse during the said month may generate bullish trends till the onset of the rainy reason. It may also set rising trends in the cotton prices, textile, stock shares, edible oil, cotton yarn etc.
The solar eclipse occurs on Monday, hence the market may witness high volatility. The prices of the white commodities like silver, rice, milk etc may also fluctuate.
The eclipse occurs in Capricorn, a cardinal sign, which may disrupt the national and international trade and the functioning of the government. It may also incite some upheavals in the political affairs of the country causing changes in the economic system.
Capricorn is an earthy sign and eclipse occurring in the earthy sign may create scarcity of agricultural and natural resources. Even the standing crops may get damaged. Earthquakes, mining disasters and excessive short fall of food grains due to low output may be some other results.
The solar eclipse may have the following impact on the Moon Signs:
For Scorpio, Pisces, Aries and Leo - Favorable phase
For Taurus, Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius - Middle phase
For Gemini, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius - Most Favorable phase
Do's during Solar Eclipse
1. Worship Lord, Give donations in kind or cash
Don't during Solar Eclipse
1. Don't rest during Solar Eclipse and take food during this period