Gurupeyarchi :குருபெயர்ச்சி -
The actual time and date of Guru Peyarchi 15 th Dec 2009; 2.59am Malaysia Time.
Special Pooja at 6.00pm - 8.00 pm
Kartigai Deepam
ON THE full moon day of the month of Kartigai (November-December) which falls on the ascension of the Kritigai star, the Hindus celebrate the Kartigai DeepamWE are currently in one of the most negative periods of the year.
The 21st century’s longest total solar eclipse will occur on July 22 and in Indian astrology, this is an inauspicious event. People have to be extra careful because it will have a negative impact on them.
The eclipse will be visible in India, Nepal, China, Hawaii and over the Pacific Ocean and will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds. The path of the Moon’s umbral shadow will begin in India and cross through into Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the eclipse will cross into Japan’s Ryukyu Islands and curve southeast through the Pacific Ocean.
A partial eclipse will be seen within the much broader path of the Moon’s penumbral shadow, which will include most of eastern Asia, and the Pacific Ocean. A dark red shadow will creep across the sun and this can be observed in Malaysia from 9.07am to 9.48am on July 22.
Astrologically, this eerie dark light is viewed as inauspicious and it will cause some form of discomfort. Any eclipse signals a time to be wary and this is especially true if the sun is involved because all living beings are dependent on the sun for light. As I have said in an article in January about a solar eclipse which occurred during the Chinese New Year, the power of negative energy is said to increase during such a time. When the environment becomes conducive for negative energy to amass, the chances of it affecting people increases. The impact of the negative energies when the sun is obscured causes a lack of courage, fatigue and low self-esteem.People are advised not to carry out activities as usual during the eclipse period as they may behave irrationally. Everyday activities that should be avoided during the time of the eclipse are sleeping, conjugal relations, swimming, holding meetings and weddings and all religious or special events.
All Hindu temples will be closed during the eclipse period. People are urged not view the eclipse directly, and it is better not to travel during the period and stay indoors. Those who were born during an eclipse should take even more care than others and those born under the zodiacs following the moon sign of Aries (Mesha), Pisces (Meena), Libra (Thula), Sagittarius (Dhanus) and Gemini (Mithuna) should also exercise caution this month. After the eclipse, people should offer prayers and clean their houses to remove all “harmful energies’’. There are also six transits in the astrological chart this month which will see Jupiter moving backwards into Capricorn.
The movement indicates negative effects. During such an unfavourable period, every individual will experience some sort of disruption at work, home, business and travel.
Article from The Sunday Star 12-07-2009 by T Selva & news Courtesy from Kumar, SK Blog
8.06.09TO 12.06.09 5DAYS
utsava moorthy tharisanam for 5 days daily(6.00p.m)
8.06.09 | MONDAY | Sri perumal -,sridevi, sripoomidevi |
9.06.09 | TUESDAY | Sriperumal –Aandal,varadharajaperumal |
10.06.09 | WEDNESDAY | Sri perumal- sri chakkarathalvar |
11.06.09 | THURSDAY | Sri perumal- padmavathiThayar |
12.06.09 | FRIDAY | Sri perumal -vinayagar ,krishnar. |
jpUNtq;flk; -epiyahd nry;tk; vd;w ngah; nfhz;l ek; g+r;Nrhq; = = epthr ngUkhs; Myaj;jpd;;; t]e;j jpUtpohthdJ epfOk; kq;fs fukhd tpNuhjp tU\k; itfhrp khjk; 25e; Njjp jpq;fl;fpoik fpU\;zgl;r gpujik jpjpAk; %yk; el;rj;jpuk; $ba RgNahf Rgjpdj;jpy; njhlq;fg;ngw;W 8.06.09 Kjy; 12.06.09 tiu ehl;fs; jpdKk; khiy Ntiyfspy; = =epthrg; ngUkhs; cj;]t%h;j;jp ek; Myaj;jpy; myq;fhpj;Js;s vy;yh ];thkpfSld; jpdk; Xt;nthU %h;j;jpjSld; jhprdk; mspg;ghh;.16 tpjkhd G+iIfs; kz;lgj;jpy; eilngWk;. cld; jpghuhjid cgajhuh; juprdk; -md;djhdj;Jld; epiwtilAk; vy;NyhUk; vy;yh eyq;fSk; ngw ,e;j itgtj;jpy; fye;J nfhz;L mUs; ngw Ntz;LfpNwhk;.
General prediction: Jupiter is in the 10th house of Karma and profession.Team work will lead you to success.You should work hard to achieve your targets than the previous year.
From January 2009 to March 2009: The month of January will be slightly good with much improvements seen during the initial period.You should follow wait and watch during the February month. Taking high risk is not a brave idea during March and you need to be patience at times.You should respect each other and should try to sacrifice for your near and dear ones.Health problems related to heat might be seen. From April 2009 to 15th June 2009: The month April is slightly tougher one as you might land up in unwanted problems.You should focus and concentrate to see improvement in your career.To overcome your expenses you might take loans.May to mid June will be very promising with gains in your business.You will complete your project on time and will be rewarded for your smart work. From 15th June 2009 to 13th Oct 2009: Jupiter turns retrograde during the period.Ketu will be in your 4th house and Rahu with Jupiter. Any big investments should be done only after consultation with professionals and avoid taking high risk during the month of June and July.Stress and health related problems affects you in the month of August.You should also avoid unwanted arguments during the period.Parents should not expect too much from their children and should take care while travelling by vehicles during the month of September. From 13th Oct 2009 to 31st Dec 2009: Jupiter turns to normal position during this period. You will overcome all your problems and will march towards victory during the month of October.Marriages, construction of new house, child birth are some of the events that may happen during the period.Women will be happy as all their dreams will start to fulfill.You should take cautious approach during November and December.Your optimistic approach will bring you good name and fame.
Favorable things: God - Lord Muruga Day: - Tuesday and Thursday Date: - 3,9,18 and 27. Gem stone: - Coral
Remedies: The presence of saturn in 5th house and Jupiter getting retrograde are not favourable during the year.
Worshipping Lord Hanuman on Saturday, Lord Dhakshanamurthy on Thursday and Goddess Durga on Tuesday
will lessen your problems.Performing Navagraha homa and Guru preethi homa will be better.
On the occasions where it does happen either a partial, total or annular eclipse will be seen depending on the the location of the observer as well as the relative distance of the moon from Earth. The figure (bottom right) illustrates each of these possibilities.
Impact of the Solar Eclipse
The solar eclipse takes place in the month of Pausha on 26th January 2009. The solar eclipse during the said month may generate bullish trends till the onset of the rainy reason. It may also set rising trends in the cotton prices, textile, stock shares, edible oil, cotton yarn etc.
The solar eclipse occurs on Monday, hence the market may witness high volatility. The prices of the white commodities like silver, rice, milk etc may also fluctuate.
The eclipse occurs in Capricorn, a cardinal sign, which may disrupt the national and international trade and the functioning of the government. It may also incite some upheavals in the political affairs of the country causing changes in the economic system.
Capricorn is an earthy sign and eclipse occurring in the earthy sign may create scarcity of agricultural and natural resources. Even the standing crops may get damaged. Earthquakes, mining disasters and excessive short fall of food grains due to low output may be some other results.
The solar eclipse may have the following impact on the Moon Signs:
For Scorpio, Pisces, Aries and Leo - Favorable phase
For Taurus, Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius - Middle phase
For Gemini, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius - Most Favorable phase
Do's during Solar Eclipse
1. Worship Lord, Give donations in kind or cash
Don't during Solar Eclipse
1. Don't rest during Solar Eclipse and take food during this period
Space cleansing using onion
Chop one onion into quarters and place one piece in each corner of a room. Don’t peel the onion and allow the onion to remain in the place overnight.
Bury them outside your house the following day and repeat the process for a total of five consecutive nights to attract fresh energies into your space.